How much did Golf for the Cure bring in?

Did you see who Team Fox featured on Inspiration Monday? I just wanted to share this photo of Dad with you all and tell you some big news.
So there are still some checks and dollars to be counted, but the 5th Annual Golf for the Cure for Parkinson’s Disease has raised MORE THAN $45,000 for the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
That’s right. Thanks to your support, our sponsors and the Lake Ashton community, in five years, you’ve helped us raise more than $200,000 for the foundation to help find a cure.
I interviewed a mother today, who was diagnosed less than a year ago with PD. She was talking to me about why we do this. Why we fundraise. Why we participate in clinical trials. And she said:
“Maybe more moms at the age of 42 won’t have to look at their kids and say this is going to be a long road, but we’re going to just fine.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you. For being a part of this goal and our journey. We seriously could not do it without each and every single one of you.